Our School » Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Our mission is to prepare every student through quality instruction, to be college and career ready, attain world class skills, enter the global workforce, and be a successful, responsible citizen.
To prepare students to be career and life ready.
Our Beliefs
  • Each student is a valued individual and will be actively involved in obtaining career and technical skills.
  • Positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students, their families, and staff, enhances a student's self-esteem.
  • The mental, social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of each student is achieved through the cooperative effort of the home, school, and the community.
  • Learning in a challenging, safe, and comfortable environment is the top priority of our school.
  • Students deserve an academic and technical educational experience where diversity is recognized, respected and addressed.
  • Students learn best with quality instruction, appropriate support services, and high expectations.
  • Students should be provided with a variety of instructional strategies that actively engage students in the learning process.
  • Students should demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills and should be actively involved in solving problems and producing quality work.
  • Commitment to continuous improvement is imperative for our students to become confident, motivated, and productive lifelong learners.